Snowmobiling Preparedness - How to prevent serious injury or death
Snowmobiling is an exhilarating activity. You sit down on a powerful machine, start it up with the quick turn of a key and in no time you...

Skiing or Boarding out of Bounds - What are the Risks?
Every year we hear of skiers who ski out of bounds (Past boundary markers, fence lines and ropes). And every year we hear how they are...
Hiking Tip 1 Jan 2014 - How to prevent over-heating during winter activites
Over-heating in winter Over-heating in winter is often more common than in summer. Here is a typical scenario: The temp is -5 deg C you...

Hiking Tip 3 of the month of Dec 2013
Frostbite - How to recognize it, prevent and treat it - Frost bite is the freezing of the tissue of the body. It can be classified in 2...
Hiking Tip 2 for the month of Dec 2013
How to properly dress for a hikes in fall winter and spring – The Layering principle – This is a principle of wearing multiple layers...
Hiking Tip 1 for the month of Dec 2013
Hypothermia is the silent killer - Hypothermia (lowering of the central core body temperature below 35deg C (95.0 F) is called the silent...